“My worker has offered support and guidance in any aspect of my life which I have brought to our session each week, giving me the tools and courage to make some important life decisions along the way, often challenging my thinking and helping me understand the driving forces behind that thinking.
It makes me sad to think of what my life would have been if I had not taken advantage of the Ahimsa partner service. Whilst it has been one of the toughest journeys I have ever been on, and it’s not yet over, it has been the most rewarding and worthwhile experience of my life and I will be
forever grateful.”
“There are not enough words to express the significance of Ahimsa in my life. When I started seeing my support worker I was extremely anxious, depressed and feeling very vulnerable to the changes that were happening in my life, for both myself and my children. I simply could not see how it would ever me possible for me to have any sort of relationship with my ex-husband, although I knew it was necessary for the sake of our children.
To have a place of safety to discuss the difficulties I faced with my children’s father, without judgement or consequence has been invaluable. My worker has helped me to overcome my memories of physical and emotional abuse, by helping me to understand it wasn’t my fault, and more importantly that I didn’t deserve it.”
“Ahimsa have facilitated a couple of joint meetings between my ex-husband and I, meetings which would not have been possible without their input. These were extremely emotional and stressful for both of us as we covered some very difficult subjects, which otherwise would not have been discussed. These discussions greatly aided my recovery from being a ‘victim’ of my past.”
“My support worker has helped me identify, and understand my anxiety, taught me how to relate with it and how to ‘be kind’ to myself during these times. I’m hopeful these things equipped me for a healthier, happier future, which will include an equal, loving personal relationship and the ability to successfully co-parent with my children’s father.”
“My support worker has offered support and guidance in any aspect of my life which I have brought to our session each week, giving me the tools and courage to make some important life decisions along the way, often challenging my thinking and helping me understand the driving forces behind that thinking.
It makes me sad to think of what my life would have been if I had not taken advantage of the Ahimsa partner service. Whilst it has been one of the toughest journeys I have ever been on, and it’s not yet over, it has been the most rewarding and worthwhile experience of my life and I will be
forever grateful.”
“Ahimsa is an invaluable lifeline to all involved in domestic abuse. The atmosphere is very calm and reassuring and boundried. The therapists are skilled and create the space and time needed for traumatised people to open up.”
“My phone sessions were a real lifeline when I was feeling low and desperate.”
“It is a great service that helped my family overcome what they were going through. “

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Call us if you are unsure if the programme is for you. We can help you to reach a decision if you want to make a self-referral.

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01752 213535
Call us if you are unsure if the programme is for you. We can help you to reach a decision if you want to make a self-referral.