We understand that you may be uncomfortable to talk about the abuse you have experienced. We will respond to your needs sensitively.
The support we offer is led by you, by what you want and need. It is always your choice if you want to engage with us or not. We want to support you to feel safe and secure, whether you are still in the relationship or not. We support you to make decisions about your relationship that feel right for you.
We offer
Safety advice and information on other services available to you.
Support throughout the family court process, where your (ex) partner is on a contact activity order to undergo the programme and your case is being overseen by CAFCASS.
In-depth counselling to help you process your experiences. This can include work with issues such as trauma, anxiety and depression. We can offer work on any concerns or questions that you bring around your own patterns of relating. We can also work with any parenting issues or concerns and support you to make any decisions you feel are needed, about your future.
Face-to-face support at our office in Plymouth or online or telephone support where appropriate.
One off advice and information or on-going support for up to an additional six months following your (ex) partner completion of the programme. If your (ex) partner disengages from the programme we will continue with your support for up to six months.
We work in collaboration with other agencies to ensure the wellbeing and safety of you and any children in the family. You will always be included in communication with other agencies in accordance to our confidentiality policy.
Please follow this link to read testimonials