‘Since I’ve been on the Ahimsa programme things have changed for the better. I have opened up to people that I have problem’.
‘It’s been tough sometimes getting to the group sessions as family life is quite busy. When I get here I feel that it’s worth all the stress and rushing around’.
‘It’s been over a year now, and it’s been good but emotional journey.
I’ve learned so much about myself and why I’ve behaved the way I did and how I’ve affected ex-partners and children with my violent and abusive behaviour. Since I started Ahimsa a lot has changed’.
‘Since starting a year ago I now think about others and their feelings and my behaviour toward them. I have changed the way I behave and think. I see things so different now and it is not often I’m angry or abusive toward anyone, but it is an ongoing work, for the rest of my life I will be practising and using these tools I have learned here to insure I’m not abusive or violent toward anyone. When I’ve had difficulties or confrontation I bring it to Ahimsa and had to be open and honest about it’,
‘Before I came to Ahimsa I didn’t know what feeling vulnerable was and would get angry and attack people, abusively even violently. The one to one sessions before I started group helped me see the build-up of anger before I would explode and kick off. I started to look at the abusive relationships I had been in and situations I had caused to get my own way’.
‘I’ve learnt so much about myself and my behaviour and how to deal with situations. As long as I use what I have learnt and act appropriately I can have good healthy relationships with family, friends and even with a partner. I’ve learned to love and nurture the good in me. I like myself today and really recommend Ahimsa to anyone who has been living as the abuser in a relationship. Ahimsa has helped me with my life’.
‘I had been physically, verbally and mentally abusive to X, with the same excuses every time – to say my behaviour was having a negative impact is the understatement of the year!

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Call us if you are unsure if the programme is for you. We can help you to reach a decision if you want to make a self-referral.

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01752 213535
Call us if you are unsure if the programme is for you. We can help you to reach a decision if you want to make a self-referral.